where to find meㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤtiktok|pin|twt|maincrd

ANARA/SYED ー he/her/ze
aroace pansexual
southasian + canadian

BYF; i respond really slow, ion like vcing a lot, i make dark humour jokes, i say kys or die as a joke, i love to be sarcastic, i blurt out things ion mean, i'm not good at spelling, i curse a lot, i like disturbing/gore art

DNI; (basic dni) racists, ppl who believe rcta is real, sexists, homophobes, transphobes, lgbt+ fetishizers, pedos, zoophiles, pro/com shippers, 18+ vvv
(IF ITS personal contact,
but moots r fine)

csm, tbhk, bsd, sbg, brutal, deathnote, mp100 + moremitski, m1v, kikuo, rebzyyx, ac/dc, + more

infp-t, i have anxiety, I'm socially awkward,
minor, I block freely,
I may have audhd & bpd.
(i can't b diagnosed thx 2 personal reasons)


where to find meㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤspacehey|rblx|wttpd

#1 reigen luvr :33
#1 hiroki dan fan >.<
#1 sigma kinnie XD

I love insects, animals and nature + space, I'm a writer, artist and editor, I love listening 2 ppls interests even tho it doesn't seem like it, I'm not good with comforting sorry

dark humour jokes include stuff like sh, sewerslide like kys, sumtimes sexual jokes and injuring urself badly, example: "I hope you break a bone"
pls tell me if ur uncomfy

editing, drawing, writing, fashion, designing + moresaying facts, cartoons, manga + more

char in images vvv
Hiroki dan from brutal: confessions of a homocide investigator